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Archive for the ‘Relationship Advice’

Trail Life USA becomes Boy Scouts alternative

October 07, 2013 By: Tom Coy Category: Relationship Advice, Religious Perspective

September 13, 2013

The following excerpts are from the article “Your safe, alternate Boy Scout is …” by Matt Barber on the World Net Daily website: … “A brief summary from the new scouting-like organization’s website ( reads as follows: ‘Most guys want exciting outdoor adventure with their friends. We’ve got that! Trips and travel? That, too. Camping. Check. Physical and mental challenge? Yep. And awards? Of course!’”

“‘Trail Life USA is a Christian adventure, character and leadership movement for young men. The K-12 program centers on outdoor experiences that build a young man’s skills and allow him to grow on a personal level and as a role model and leader for his peers. Living the Trail Life is a journey established on timeless values derived from the Bible.’” (more…)

Andrew Comisky emphasizes the importance of Christian friends in overcoming homosexuality

July 07, 2013 By: Tom Coy Category: Relationship Advice, Religious Perspective

June 3, 2013

Excerpt from the article “Power to Change 2: A Fortress of Friends” on Andrew Comisky’s website: “Gender integration requires ‘grace with faces’: those walking partners we discover in the healing community who satisfy our deep longing for same-gender identification and intimacy. Here we discover the love/hate relationship we actually have with our own gender. Holy and humble friendships help us navigate the fear of rejection, the threat of desiring too much, and the surprise discovery that that we are actually good gifts to out comrades. Deeper still, we realize that our ‘homosexual’ needs are not erotic at all but rather deeply emotional.” (more…)

Profound ex-lesbian testimony and advice for reaching those identifying as LGBT

July 06, 2013 By: Tom Coy Category: Relationship Advice, Religious Perspective, testimony

May 13, 2013

At one time in her life Rosaria Butterfield was a lesbian college professor with a goal of persuading Christians to the LGBT point of view. How she came to be a Christian and leave her lesbian identity is testimony to the power of the Bible and Christians who took the time to engage her in a spirit of truth and love. Her advice to Christian students includes advice every Christian can use. The following excerpt is the last paragraph of Rosaria Butterfield’s article “Engaging gay activists on campus: A primer” published on the Intercollegiate Review website: “Christians befriended me when I was their staunch enemy. They didn’t identify with me. They identified with Christ, and then walked the long and winding road to me. They trusted that God was bigger than me—and they were right. Don’t ever doubt that in the smallest act of faith and obedience you are planting, or watering, or tilling, or harvesting a legacy of Gospel truth. To God we give the glory!”

Kids should not call other kids names like “gay,” “sissy,” or “faggot”

March 05, 2013 By: Tom Coy Category: Clinical Science, Relationship Advice

March 1, 2013

PFOX recently reprinted several informative quotes from the Joseph and Linda Nicolosi book A Parent’s Guide to Preventing Homosexuality. Following is one of the quotes: “In elementary school, other children will begin to call gender-confused boys ‘sissies,’ ‘faggots,’ ‘queers,’ or ‘gays.’ Mistakenly and tragically, their teachers may even identify them as ‘gay children,’ and, thus labeled by their own teachers, the children may even come to think of themselves as ‘born gay.’ They may not be sure what being ‘gay’ means, but they begin to suspect that they are different. Before long, their emotional estrangement from their own sex will begin to surface in same-sex romantic longings.”

“Imagine how it would feel for a boy to have a distant father and also to be teased by his same-sex peers. Imagine how it would feel to be called clumsy, a sissy, crybaby, mama’s boy or to be labeled for any number of other failures. (more…)

Ministry leader gives advice for when a loved one says they’re gay

March 04, 2013 By: Tom Coy Category: Ex-gay News, Relationship Advice

February 10, 2013

Excerpt from ex-gay Charlene E. Hios’ article “How Do I Respond When A Loved One Says ‘I’m gay'” on the PFOX website. Charlene is Executive Director of Bridging The Gaps Ministries: “Many Christians now must ask, ‘How do I respond when a loved one says ‘I’m gay’?’ How you respond when they disclose that they believe they are gay or lesbian makes a world of difference in your relationship with them going forward. This is especially true if they are your child.”

“First, remember this is not about you. It is about that person. The desire for your loved one is that they be reconciled to God from this sin. You can, and must, extend God’s love while holding to a position that homosexuality is sin. (more…)

Former lesbian shares her story and gives advice to Christians

March 04, 2013 By: Tom Coy Category: Ex-gay News, Relationship Advice, Religious Perspective, testimony

February 9, 2013

Excerpts from Florence Hubbs’ testimony on the PFOX website: … “In Feb 1993, Karen & I were to celebrate our 9th year together. I know I had great plans for the day. She suddenly said ‘that perhaps our relationship was wrong in God’s eyes’. I told her ‘I could fight a man or a woman, but I was certainly not going to fight God!’ I had already tried that and was not going to go back to the empty life of the bars. She moved out in March. I was deeply crushed, and through my tears ask God if he really cared. Are you real? God started bringing people into my life to show me his Love. Also the joy of being a friend with other women without sexual attractions.” (more…)

Dr. Meg Meeker gives advice to parents whose children claim to be gay

March 04, 2013 By: Tom Coy Category: Clinical Science, Relationship Advice

February 5, 2013

Excerpt from Dr. Meeker’s article “Your Teen Daughter Says She’s Gay. What Now? on her blog “Teens have never been as confused about their sexuality as they are today. My concern for all kids is that cultural pressure forces them to figure out a beautifully complex process prematurely. So if your teen announces that he or she is gay, bisexual, or transsexual, listen. Then gently tell them that their sexuality is wonderfully complicated, and that regardless of what they think about their sexuality now, they really can’t be sure because at fourteen or fifteen, they aren’t fully developed. Encourage him or her to take time to figure things out. (more…)

Ex-gay Christopher Doyle gives his testimony and argues against bans on sexual orientation therapy

February 11, 2013 By: Tom Coy Category: Documentary News, Ex-gay News, Gay Politics, Homosexuality Causation, Relationship Advice, Sexual Orientation Change Efforts, testimony

January 29, 2013

Excerpt of Christopher Doyle’s article in the Christian Post: “When I was eight years old, I was sexually abused every week for an entire year. This created a lot of sexual confusion for me. When I became a teenager, I struggled with unwanted same-sex attraction (SSA) as a result of that abuse. …”

“Today, I am a professional counselor that helps young men struggling with their own sexuality. Every week, I get calls from mothers and fathers who are concerned about their teenagers’ homosexual feelings. I have worked with many of these teens in therapy (as young as 13) to help them understand and resolve their unwanted SSA. My hope is for these young people to work through their issues now so they don’t have to deal with the pain and heartache when they are older, like I had to do.”