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Analysis of Kevin Jennings move from Safe Schools Czar to president and CEO of a non-profit

July 17, 2012 By: Tom Coy Category: Gay Politics

May 23, 2012

The conservative organization MassResistance eighteen month campaign to have Kevin Jennings removed as the Obama administration’s Safe Schools Czar is over. Mass Resistance’s analysis of Jennings departure follows:

“Some possible factors in Jennings’ timely departure:
(1) With the Republicans controlling the US House, it’s extremely likely that the pressure to have Jennings’ office de-funded in the FY 2012 federal budget would be successful, especially with thousands of petition signers and others ready to lobby their Senators and Congressmen very hard.
(2) If the Democrats contested those cuts, the disgusting material in our report about Jennings would have likely been brought out publicly by various Congressmen and others, which the Obama administration probably would have rather avoided.
(3) The public debate about Jennings’ unsavory activities could have lingered and possibly dogged the Obama administration into the 2012 election.
In the end, we think that even Obama had had enough of Jennings at the DOE.”

Kevin Jennings new job is CEO of the political non-profit organization Be The Change. The full text of the Mass Resistance news article can be found at