Court of Appeals to hear oral arguments to repeal SB 1172 on April 17th
February 20, 2013
NARTH bulletin: “The United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit will hear the oral argument to reverse the district court’s order, find that SB 1172 is unconstitutional, and continue to enjoin the law on April 17, 2013 in San Francisco, California. Earlier this week Liberty Counsel acting on behalf of NARTH and the other Plaintiffs in this case filed the last of the briefs on this appeal.”
“This is a major step in the long legal process NARTH has undertaken to protect a client’s right to self-determination when seeking assistance for unwanted homosexual attraction from licensed mental health professional in the sate of California. The importance of this ruling, while likely to be appealed regardless of the court ruling, is difficult to underestimate when the threats by political gay activists to self-determination continue to grow. Just last week a legislator in Washington state announced their intention to introduce legislation similar to SB1172 in the next session. This brings to four the number of states where laws patterned on the California regulation are being contemplated.”
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