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Dr. Nicholas Cummings interviewed about the JONAH case

August 20, 2013 By: Tom Coy Category: Clinical Science, Gay Politics, Sexual Orientation Change Efforts

July 18, 2013

The following excerpts are from the article “Same-Sex Desire: Hardwired With No Hope for Change?” by Sue Ellen Browder on the National Catholic Register website: … “In an interview with the Register, [Nicholas] Cummings expressed dismay that the American Psychological Association would allow its task force’s statements to be misused by the SPLC and others as ‘proof’ the therapy should be outlawed. ‘The APA hasn’t flatly come out and said that reparative therapy should be illegal,’ Cummings said. ‘But it is certainly supporting of all those who say that.’”

“Cummings said that since he was APA president in 1979-80, the organization has been ‘totally hijacked’ by the homosexual/lesbian political lobby. ‘It’s incredible.’ Having personally seen ‘hundreds of people change,’ Cummings said the view that all homosexuality is ‘hardwired’ and same-sex attraction can never be changed is simply ‘not supported by scientific evidence.’”

“Since there is ‘still no consensus in the scientific community, general population or faith communities about whether or not homosexuality is fixed or changeable,’ LiMandri [JONAH defense attorney Charles LiMandri] said, ‘basically, the New Jersey Superior Court shouldn’t even be weighing in on this issue.’” …