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Andrew Comiskey – Porn is antithesis of purity

January 12, 2014 By: Tom Coy Category: Homosexuality Causation, Religious Perspective

November 19, 2013

The following excerpts are from the blog “Mercy 14: Mercy for Purity” on Andrew Comiskey’s website: “The goal of our sexuality is to become good, fruitful gifts to others. That means integrating our sexuality into the whole of our humanity. When our desires and motives for another are subject to what is truly best for that other, then we have become pure.”

… “Pornography use is the ultimate disintegrator. It inflames sexual desire while splitting one off from the reality of what a whole sexual relationship requires. Porn blinds its users to the command to love a person as a whole. Porn fractures the lives of all involved; it subverts chastity more than any other force on earth.”

“In 33 years of ministry to porn addicts, I have witnessed ministers lose their vocations and wives their husbands to porn. Over 56% of US divorces are now related to the porn use of the husband. Porn can turn straight men gay, and teens into impotent passive voyeurs. One study determined that 33% of teen males were Internet porn addicts.”

“Porn starts with addiction to images and masturbation then escalates into the compulsion for more and varied images. Then comes the desensitization phase where the unthinkable becomes pleasing and morally neutral. In search of more, the addict then leaps from behind the computer screen to actualizing one’s fantasies with real players.”

“Porn is the antithesis of chastity: this 86 billion dollar industry is the devil’s drug for destroying the gift of our humanity. The Church needs to face the damage done, call her servants to repentance, and pour out rivers of mercy upon the corroded hearts of her servants. That is the only antidote for restoring the purity of our offering, one to another.”