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Ex-gay Chris Stump advises replacing bad habits with worship

August 25, 2012 By: Tom Coy Category: Religious Perspective

July 25, 2012

Excerpt from Chris Stump’s article: “It was never enough for me to give up the bad habits. I had to give them up and replace them with something better. You see, those habits served as fleshly gods. When I was anxious, stressed, bored, or depressed I’d run to them. They were the things that sustained me. So taking them away was never enough. Because I would still have those stressful, fearful, or depressing times. I had to give those up and seek the one who actually could bring healing, growth, and freedom.”

“Worship isn’t just praying and journaling. It’s the time when we allow Christ into the very depths of our souls. We experience Him. We worship through our senses and emotions. When we are in relationship with another person, we see them, hear them, touch them, and feel them. And God wants an even more intimate relationship with us. When we go to the source of our being, we become more aware of who we are—what our name is—that frees us from the bondage that shame, guilt, and embarrassment gives to us.”