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Archive for the ‘Clinical Science’

California organization states Gov. Jerry Brown denies vulnerable, molested children hope

October 10, 2012 By: Tom Coy Category: Clinical Science, Gay Politics

October 1, 2012

( Excerpt: “With the stroke of his pen, Jerry Brown is locking vulnerable, molested children into homosexuality and transsexuality,” said President Randy Thomasson. “What could be more depressing than telling a molested boy he has no hope to be who God created him to be? And what’s more angering than telling parents of a molested child they can’t acquire professional counseling? This harsh law tramples parents’ God-given rights to help their own children recover from sexual trauma.” Link to the article.

California Bans Gay Conversion Therapy for Minors

October 10, 2012 By: Tom Coy Category: Clinical Science, Gay Politics, Sexual Orientation Change Efforts

October 1, 2012

( Excerpt: “Therapy aimed at changing the sexual orientation of minors who say they are gay has been outlawed in California, the first state to adopt such legislation. California Gov. Jerry Brown announced he had signed the bill on Sunday. The bill’s sponsor, Calif. State Sen. Ted Lieu, said the so-called ‘conversion therapy,’ ‘sexual orientation therapy,’ ‘reparative therapy,’ or ‘sexual orientation change efforts’ — amounts to ‘psychological child abuse.’ Link to the ABC NEWS article.

NARTH offers updated answers to frequently asked questions

October 10, 2012 By: Tom Coy Category: Clinical Science, Gay Politics, Homosexuality Causation

September 27, 2012

The National Association for Research and Therapy of Homosexuality (NARTH) has prepared an updated overview of their positions on a variety of issues involving homosexuality, including basic information on sexual orientation change efforts and the animosity the gay rights movement has toward NARTH. Fifteen questions are answered concisely and honestly. Link to NARTH’s answers to frequently asked questions.

Ex-gay Mike Geoke found healing by finding his true identity in Christ

October 10, 2012 By: Tom Coy Category: Clinical Science, Religious Perspective, Sexual Orientation Change Efforts

September 26, 2012

( Excerpt from the article “Masterpieces:” “He [Mike Geoke’s counselor] looked at me and said something to this effect: ‘you have no idea who you are. You have let others dictate your identity and you have let your own feelings dictate your identity. Until you both discover and rest in the truth of who JESUS says you are, you will never be satisfied and you will always be striving to be something more.’ I left in a huff, ready to give up on counseling. But I went back. Over time, my counselor proved to be wise. I was never going to move beyond my surface issues until I got below the surface and discovered that I was not living in the reality of who I truly was as a Christ follower. My issue wasn’t my biggest problem. I needed to discover my true identity in Christ.” (more…)

Australian doctors asks: “Why is it so hard to admit that gay health and life expectancy are far below average?”

October 09, 2012 By: Tom Coy Category: Clinical Science, Gay Politics

September 19, 2012

( Excerpt: “Wallace’s [head of the Australian Christian Lobby] figures are sound: a 20-year loss in gay life expectancy was reported by a homosexual lobby group in 2009. A 17-year loss in life expectancy among young HIV positive men was reported in 2008 in the Lancet medical journal, despite the very best anti-viral treatment, which is double the loss from smoking. In Australia HIV/AIDS remains overwhelmingly a homosexual disease: Wallace correctly quoted the Kirby Institute finding that over 80 percent of new cases of HIV/AIDS in Australia are in ‘men who have sex with men’.” Link to the article on

UK Transgender regrets sex change surgery

October 09, 2012 By: Tom Coy Category: Clinical Science, Gay Politics, Homosexuality Causation

September 11, 2012

Sun News network interviewed a former transgender identified man who found out later that a sex change operation was not what he needed. The United Kingdom resident’s sex change to a woman was paid for by the government. The man now says his desire to be a woman was a fantasy possibly related to his fear of dating a woman. Link to the Sun News network video interview.

People Can Change survey suggests unwanted same-sex attractions can be reduced through counseling

September 02, 2012 By: Tom Coy Category: Clinical Science, Ex-gay News, Sexual Orientation Change Efforts

September 1, 2012

(Christian Post) “Survey results from a study conducted by People Can Change, a nonprofit organization that seeks to help people with unwanted same-sex attractions (SSA), show that over half of those who sought counseling for SSA felt their attractions diminish as a result.”

“According to the survey, which was released Friday, 55 percent of those who sought out this kind of counseling experienced SSA with less intensity and frequency than before they received help. Additionally, 71 percent of those surveyed said they were either ‘satisfied’ or ‘very satisfied’ with the counseling they received.”

“…In all, 474 people from 19 countries responded to the survey.” Link to the Christian Post article.

Matt Barber analyzes the recent attacks on research that critiques the gay modern family

September 02, 2012 By: Tom Coy Category: Clinical Science, Gay Politics

August 31, 2012

(Excerpts from World Net Daily) In Barber’s article Family Studies professor Dr. Walter Schumm is quoted as saying “Unfortunately, there are many with an extreme socio-political agenda who depend entirely upon suppressing the truth.” [Schumm’s study found that “Children raised in ‘gay’ households are up to 12 times more likely to self-identify as ‘gay’”]

… “Indeed, left-wing backlash was both swift and fierce. Schumm was instantly decried as a ‘quack,’ a ‘conservative plant’ and a ‘fraud.’ Over the past two years, both Schumm and his study have passed through all three of Schopenhauer’s fiery stages, only to emerge unsigned.”

Barber also comments on the Mark Regnerus study and the reaction to it. Link to Matt Barber’s article in World Net Daily.

Lawmaker Announces Effort to Ban Conversion Therapy for Minors in New Jersey

September 02, 2012 By: Tom Coy Category: Clinical Science, Ex-gay News, Sexual Orientation Change Efforts

August 31, 2012

( “TRENTON — Assemblyman Tim Eustace on Thursday announced plans to introduce legislation that would ban the controversial practice known as ‘conversion therapy’ aimed at changing the sexual orientation of minors, a measure similar to one that recently passed the California State Assembly overwhelmingly.” Link to the article.

California Senate passes bill to ban sexual orientation change therapy to children

September 02, 2012 By: Tom Coy Category: Clinical Science, Gay Politics, Sexual Orientation Change Efforts

August 30, 2012

(Washington Times) “A California bill to ban therapies to ‘change’ sexual orientation in children and teens passed its final legislative hurdle late Thursday and now goes to California Gov. Jerry Brown for his signature.”

… “Mr. Brown has not taken a position on SB 1172, and he has until Sept. 30 to sign, veto or allow its protections to take effect without his signature on Jan. 1, 2013. If enacted, the measure would be the first of its kind in the nation.”

… “Opponents say the Lieu bill — which only permits ‘gay-affirming’ therapies for minors — tramples on parents’ rights to care for their children and mental health professionals’ rights to offer the most optimal therapies to a patient, and it encourages ‘ex-gay bashing.’” Link to the Washington Times article.