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Ex-gay defends sexual orientation change efforts

August 23, 2013 By: Tom Coy Category: Gay Politics, Sexual Orientation Change Efforts

July 22, 2013

Jeff Bennion wrote an articulate opinion piece entitled “A low attack on same-sex therapy” that was published in the New York Post. Here is an excerpt commenting on the Southern Poverty Law Center’s lawsuit against Jonah: … “It’s just the opening shot in a massive legal effort to ban help for gay people — a campaign I take personally. I’m one of those people the SPLC is out to harm — by substituting its judgment about what’s good for me for my own.”

“The client’s right to determine the course of his own therapy is a touchstone of modern psychotherapy. So the effort to deny people access to this therapy not only infringes on my right to self-determination, it violates the ethical standards of every major mental-health association.” …