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Gay activist persuades University of Texas to investigate gay parenting study done by Mark Regnerus

July 25, 2012 By: Tom Coy Category: Clinical Science, Gay Politics

July 16, 2012 has reported that a gay activist by the name of Scott Rosensweig accused Mark Regnerus of “scientific misconduct,” harboring “anti-gay prejudices,” and “being politically biased” in a letter to the University of Texas. The university began an investigation shortly after Rosensweig’s letter. The Regnerus study, published in the July issue of Social Science Research, found “that children of homosexual parents have significantly more social and mental-health problems than children of heterosexual parents.” Here are some excerpts from the article titled “Author of controversial ‘gold standard’ study on gay parenting being investigated by university.”

“But in an interview with The Daily Texan, Regnerus declared: ‘I stand by everything I did, said, wrote. I don’t have a political axe to grind… I will always follow where the data leads.’”

“‘My views have never been a part of this process or affect how I go about analyzing things,’ Regnerus stated. ‘And I think most people have made up their mind about a lot of these political questions, regardless of data, so I never set about assuming I could change people’s minds one way or another with data. It’s irrelevant to my task.’”

“A group of 18 notable social scientists also responded to the criticism with a public statement on the Baylor University website, defending Regnerus’ study.”

“The statement affirms the scientific integrity of Regnerus’ methods, answering the primary accusations that had been fired at him, and pointing out the inadequacy of previous studies on the same subject.”

The full text of the article can be found at: